KAPP styrkir Mottumars 2020

KAPP styrkir Mottumars 2020

Mottumars er árlegt verkefni Krabbameinsfélagsins, sem er í senn vitundarvakning um krabbamein hjá körlum og fjáröflun fyrir félagið.

Í ár er löggð áhersla á gildi hreyfingar sem forvarnar gegn krabbameinum. Rannsóknir sýna að reglubundin hreyfing dregur úr líkum á krabbameinum auk þess sem hreyfing er til góðs fyrir fólk sem hefur greinst með krabbamein.

KAPP er styrktaraðil Mottumars 2020 og fengu m.a. allir starfsmenn par af Stuðningssokkunum. Sokkarnir eru hannaðir af snillingunum í Kormáki og Skildi.




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  • KAPP Partners with Atlas Premium Seafoods to Implement Trusted OptimICE® Technology

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  • Congratulations to Vísir hf. on Their New Injection Machine System

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  • Ny-Fiskur-CO2-OptimICE-Liquid-Ice-Machine

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  • Ozone deodorization for restaurants

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  • Great development of refrigeration and freezer equipment. A revolution in the treatment of raw materials.

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  • KAPP and Eðalfiskur's Groundbreaking Partnership at Aqua Nor

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  • Cooling pelagic fish using OptimICE slurry ice machine while landing the catch

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  • Interview with Freyr Fridriksson in Morgunbladid, many opportunities ahead.

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  • CO2 for all OptimICE Liquid ice machines

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  • New OptimICE liquid ice machine for smaller boats

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  • KAPP buys RAF ehf

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