KAPP er Framúrskarandi fyrirtæki 2019

KAPP er Framúrskarandi fyrirtæki 2019


Creditinfo hefur í tíu ár vottað Framúrskarandi fyrirtæki í íslensku atvinnulífi fyrir góðan og traustan rekstur.

Markmið greiningarinnar er að verðlauna þau fyrirtæki sem standa sig vel og stuðla þannig að bættu viðskiptaumhverfi.  

Framúrskarandi fyrirtæki byggja rekstur sinn á sterkum stoðum og efla hag fjárfesta og hluthafa. Það er því eftirsóknavert að skara fram úr.



More news

  • Olafur Karl Sigurdarson Appointed as Deputy CEO of KAPP

    Olafur Karl Sigurdarson Appointed as Deputy CEO of KAPP

  • KAPP Partners with Atlas Premium Seafoods to Implement Trusted OptimICE® Technology

    KAPP Partners with Atlas Premium Seafoods to Implement Trusted OptimICE® Technology

  • Congratulations to Vísir hf. on Their New Injection Machine System

    Congratulations to Vísir hf. on Their New Injection Machine System

  • Ny-Fiskur-CO2-OptimICE-Liquid-Ice-Machine

    Ný-Fiskur Embraces Sustainability with New CO2 Liquid Ice Machine from KAPP

  • Ozone deodorization for restaurants

    Ozone deodorization for restaurants

  • Great development of refrigeration and freezer equipment. A revolution in the treatment of raw materials.

    Great development of refrigeration and freezer equipment. A revolution in the treatment of raw materials.

  • KAPP and Eðalfiskur's Groundbreaking Partnership at Aqua Nor

    KAPP and Eðalfiskur's Groundbreaking Partnership at Aqua Nor

  • Cooling pelagic fish using OptimICE slurry ice machine while landing the catch

    Cooling pelagic fish using OptimICE slurry ice machine while landing the catch

  • Interview with Freyr Fridriksson in Morgunbladid, many opportunities ahead.

    Interview with Freyr Fridriksson in Morgunbladid, many opportunities ahead.

  • CO2 for all OptimICE Liquid ice machines

    CO2 for all OptimICE Liquid ice machines

  • New OptimICE liquid ice machine for smaller boats

    New OptimICE liquid ice machine for smaller boats

  • KAPP buys RAF ehf

    KAPP buys RAF ehf