KAPP Skaginn Innovations
Fluid Ice System
The KAPP Skaginn Fluid Ice System is a complete ice solution and probably the most flexible fluid ice system available today. The system can set up to accept an external source of ice and can be delivered with or without the flake ice machine unit.
IQF Tunnel Freezers
Fast and efficient freezing with gentle product handling that improves both yield and quality. Quickly freezing ensures moisture is fully locked in the product and the cell structure remains intact. Drip loss is as low as 0.2%, depending on product type.
Non-pressure Plate Freezer
The Non-Pressure Plate Freezer by KAPP Skaginn is a high-capacity, energy-efficient solution designed to freeze up to 100 tons daily while preserving product quality. Its space-saving vertical design and compatibility with various packaging make it ideal for seafood, meat, and ready meal industries.
RoteX Aquaculture®
Designed to ensure efficient bleeding after stunning, followed by rapid chilling, which helps deliver consistently superior product quality. The system's main benefits are the controlled bleeding times and precise temperature
RoteX Thawing®
The RoteX Thawing® system is an advanced thawing system for food products, especially ideal for frozen fish blocks or individually frozen fish. The system provides full control over thawing time, water temperature, throughput per hour...
SUB-CHILLING™ offers better farmed fish quality through sub-zero chilling without ice, enhancing yield, quality, and shelf-life. Designed for fish farming companies, slaughterhouses, and both primary and secondary processors, this innovative technology provides...
Tray Flipper
The Tray Flipper is a highly efficient solution designed to streamline the packaging process for frozen products. Conveyors transport trays containing the product to the flipper, which seamlessly flips the product out of the tray and transfers it into a carton box
Tub Handling Systems
We truly are experts in tub handling and logistics solutions as is reflected in the fact that we are the only company in the world providing automatic fish-hold robotics—meaning a fully unmanned fish-hold. We offer the most advanced fish processing solutions...
Value-Added Mince Solutions
Value-Added Mince Solutions from KAPP Skaginn is an advanced mince processing system for fish frames and is ideal to increase material production and overall efficiency...
The ValuePump™ from KAPP Skaginn is used to convey product gently through a closed, low-pressure pipe system. It is designed for pumping products in a liquid medium (e.g., water, fluid ice or additive solution).
Pelagic Turn Key Solutions
Automatic pelagic processing starts at the ship and finishes in cold stores.