KAPP introduced an innovation for the fishing industry. It is a 100% CO2 refrigerant that will now be offered for the first time in all liquid ice machines instead of Freon.
CO2 in all OptimICE® liquid ice machines
Natural refrigerants are the future, CO2 is now available in all OptimICE® liquid ice machines.

Reduce your carbon footprint with CO2
Seafood companies can reduce their carbon footprint by switching to CO2, the environmentally friendly refrigerant, and thus greatly reduce their GWP (Global Warming Potential). The new CO2 environmentally friendly refrigerant reduces the GWP from 1397 to 1 GWP when you change to CO2.
GWP is the Global Warming Potential, which is the ability of a greenhouse gas to cause climate warming compared to the power of CO2.
The freon R-449A takes 3,255 years to dissipate in nature, while CO2 takes 1 year to dissipate.