Hnífabrýni ST-123

ST-123 hnífabrýnið er sérstaklega hannað til þess að brýna hringlaga hnífa á þægilegan og einfaldan hátt.

Built to last

The sharpener is suitable for filleting knives and scalping knives and is designed for all those who want to sharpen knives quickly and safely, but also get razor-sharp knives. The knife sharpener is made of stainless steel, is easy to clean and easy to use.

Blade sizes

The working range is Ø200 mm to Ø400 mm knives. It is possible to buy an special equipment then the working range will be Ø80 to Ø400 mm.


Width: 530 mm.

Height: 610 mm.

Length: 755 mm.

Weight: 51 kg.


Power: 0,36 kW

Voltage: 400 V AC

Frequency: 50 Hz

Additional information

Minimum floor space of machine: 530 mm * 755 mm.

CE certification.


At KAPP, we consistently provide top-notch service. Our primary focus is ensuring your satisfaction, and we make every effort to accommodate your needs. Furthermore, we offer round-the-clock service to meet your requirements at any time.
